Valentine's at the Inn, Part 3

Season 15, Episode 16

Our story tonight is called Valentine’s at the Inn, Part Three, and it is the finale of the three-week series of the same name, and also the much-awaited sequel to the story called The Secret Stair, released last Halloween. For those of you who actually hear the stories, and don’t get me wrong, your sleeping is what’s most important here, so I never mind if you don’t hear a word, but for those who do, I apologize for making you wait so long to find out what was up that secret stair at the Inn. And then I made it a three-parter, and put it right at the end of the last part. Yup, guilty. I think it wants to be a book.

Anyway, small disclaimer that some things actually happen in this episode, but I’d bet that I’m still going to knock you out if I haven’t already. This story is also about the crosshatched top of peanut butter cookies, the sound of a vacuum cleaner running in the distance, a desk and straight-backed chair by the window, and a plan for something new in the Village of Nothing Much.

We give to a different charity each week, and this week, we are giving to Wigs for Kids. Wigs For Kids is a nonprofit organization that helps children experiencing hair loss work together with a stylist to build the self-esteem and self-image they deserve.


Opening Night (Encore)


All Day, At Home (Encore)